
The Passionate Olive available in Chinese…中文版《The Passionate Olive》终于问世

The Passionate Olive available in Chinese...中文版《The Passionate Olive》终于问世

The Passionate Olive available in Chinese…中文版《The Passionate Olive》终于问世

passionate-olive-simplified-chineseI am thrilled to let you know that my book, The Passionate Olive -101 Things to do with Olive Oil has been published in Chinese.  The book has a new cover and a new title.  The title in Chinese is Olive Oil – Liquid Gold 101 Uses of Olive Oil. Because of the known health benefits of olive oil, China is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing markets for the olive oil sector.  And, with the publishing of and the reading of my book, that occasional use will quickly change to daily use of olive oil for health, beauty, cooking, and longevity.  The challenge, of course, as here in the US is to make sure that consumers buy certified and authentic extra virgin olive oil.

我怀着无比激动的心情向大家宣布拙作《The Passionate Olive -101 Things to do with Olive Oil 》中文版已经出版。它以崭新的封面以及全新的书名问世。中文的书名为《黄金液体-橄油的101种用法》。鉴于橄榄油有益于健康众所周知,中国已经迅速成为橄榄油行业中成长最快的市场之一。并且,随着拙作的出版而为广大读者接受,橄榄油偶尔的享用会很快变为出于健康,美容,烹饪及延年益寿原因的每日固定使用。当然,就像在美国一样,消费者面临的挑战在于确保可以买到经过认证的真正特级初榨橄榄油。

The Chinese edition is available online at  Amazon China

本书的中文版在当当网 dangdang 或者中国亚马逊www.amazon.cn有现货出售。

I have a limited supply available in the US.    Please contact me at info@thepassionateolive.com to order your personalized copy

本人亲笔签名的中文版在美国数量有限, 请速洽 info@thepassionateolive.com 订购。



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