

Olive Oil, your Heart and Valentine’s Day

Olive Oil, your Heart and Valentine's Day

Olive Oil, your Heart and Valentine’s Day

Screen Shot 2017-01-29 at 10.31.38 PMGet heart healthy and passionate!  What do Valentine’s Day (the most romantic holiday of the year) and February, American Heart Healthy Month have in common?   If you guessed “olive oil” you’re right.  If there is one simple way to love your heart, change your oil!  And if there’s one simple way to love your sweetheart, use your imagination and olive oil!

Throughout history the olive tree has been cultivated and prized, known not only for its fruit but also for its liquid gold.  Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, might have coined the phrase SuperFoods, when he advised: “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food.” Yes, his secret medicine was olive oil.

Democritus, who developed the theory of cause and effect, extolled olive oil as a major cause of longevity.  Cleopatra lured her lovers with concoctions made from herbs and olive oil, and the beautiful Sophia Loren drinks olive oil as part of her daily beauty ritual and uses it in her baths.  You may wish to review Chapter 6 (Olive Oil and Sensuality) in my book, The Passionate Olive.

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